Saturday, July 11, 2009

saturday midnight brainstorming

Weekend and I am more relaxed . Tired from todays theatre work plus 2 hr stay at the computer workshop to repair my laptop. I had 2 hr long chat with my wife then with my mind on blues had a short refreshing nap . Today we had a dinner at Pace . Good Chinese food .
No mood of studying . But how could and how long could I stop myself so suddenly an idea strike my mind. Its high time I recapitulate my knowledge in 1 hr the Neuroanatomy.
And yes someone was right Neuroanatomy is just in 10 subsystems. Cerebral cortex, basal gamglia, pyramidal tracts, brainstem , cranial nerves, cerebellum , spinal cord, nerve roots, peripheral nerves and muscle. Though its equal to universe to me . I am adding few lines to each headings and the target is to achieve the maximum soon. Where are all those things learned stored and how it is just expressed in a matter of millisecs ( well its not always so fast atleast in me ) is much more complex than it sounds. My hippocampus must be laughing at me at this time.
Well I dream sometimes that I had a genetically modified capsule of Rengachary textbook which I took before sleep and one fine morning I had everything learned like that . Wow please some scholars work on it before I graduate. Just chill man . Wow and the capsules of surgical skills just take it and I can perform complex Neurovascular surgeries . I am fine if they gave those pills after I graduate otherwise how shall I spent my four years what to do as I would learn whole neurosurgery in 1 day with those pills in hand .

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