Thursday, July 8, 2010

International symposium on Biomedical Materials : Current Research and future signposting

Recently I participated in the 2nd International Symposium. It was a platform for learning new emerging technologies . Dr Intesham and Dr Jawwad from University of London provided informations on Biomaterials like Hydroxyapatite and the ongoing research on its application . What I am impressed is the interdisciplinary interaction between the Surgeons , Material scientists , Chemist , Veteranary scientists to come up with the ideas. Research is something big to hear yet so simple . Everyone has new ideas in his respective fields something that can change the trends and the role of other disciplines and expertise is always beneficial if collabarated. Lets say I am interested in Spine surgery where I do fusion with bone grafting and fixation . I need a substitute to bone that is prepared synthetically which is inert and can provide mechanical stability . So a biomaterial scientist can provide me the synthetic bone made from local material s that is affordable by my patients . Then I have expertise of Veteranary surgeons and veterenary scientist to prove its efficacy in animals . Then I can proceed to study in humans.
So in western countries this is how it works . What about us ?? We dont share the knowledge among academics of different disciplines . Interdisciplinary interaction is negligible .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When I Grow Older I Will Be Stronger They'll Call me Freedom , Just like a Waving flag

Awesome .. Goose bumps all around my body on hearing this song.
Which is the first match of world cup football that u have watched and and can recall now? Well for me its way back to 1990 the semifinal match between England Vs Germany . All I remember is Gary Linekar , Klinsman and Lothar Mathhews and I think England lost the match . Germany eventually won the title that time . And yes Maradona who can forget him in that world cup . Everyone was talking about Maradona and his extraordinary brilliance and exuberant performance in 1986 who single handedly lead Argentina to win title in 1986. For a kid like me and and others it was the 1990 world cup to get a glimpse of brilliance of Maradona which we missed in '86.
And now its 2010 South Africa and and few days remaining for kick-off. I am not a heartthrob fan of any particular country but I do support England cause I follow EPL and I know most of the English players . So this time around I am eagerly waiting for the magic from boots of Rooney and left footed shoots of Gerrard . Well definitely England will miss the defensive wall of Rio Ferdinand . What I am missing is talented impressive Arsenal striker Walcott .
Well theres a bunch of players like Drogba , Arjen Robben , Ballack, Essien , and now Nani ....
Theyre all out of world cup . Billions of people are waiting to see the magical display of football from likes of Messi , Christian Ronaldo , Kaka , Rooney , Robinho , Xavi, David Villa and many more players . Spain is the most balanced side at present with Euro title already in bag they are more confident with impressive line up of class midfielders and strikers .Watch out for Inesta he is the sensational Barcelona midfielder. Brazil , Argentina and Holland are always favourites .
So its the month of brilliant football ...its the festival ... its the most awaited and the most watched game on the Earth . So lets celebrate . Lets enjoy ...
I am definitely in........

Monday, June 7, 2010

Clinical case discussion

30 yrs old female with Hx of headache occipital region for 10 yrs gradual progressive weakness of all four limbs and numbness below neck region for 4 yrs
General - WNL
HMF : normal
Cranial Nerves : lower cranial nerves ( IX, X, XI, XII ) intact
Motor : Bulk grossly maintained
Tone : Increased; spasticity
upper limbs : weakness all the way starting from shoulder abbdction ( C5)
weakness of flexors and extensors of elbow and wrist joints
small muscles of hand (T1)
boths sides involved
power 3 on MRC scale

lower limbs : similarly weakness of lower limbs Power 3 on MRC scale
weakness limited to knee joint
Reflexes : brisk Biceps
flexor plantar bilateral
Sensory :
Sensory level C4
bilateral Loss of Pain and temperature sensations from C4
dorsal column sensation intact
sacral sparing
Cerrebellar signs absent
Patient wheel chair bound

From history and clinical examination :
Quadriparesis with dissociative suspended sensory loss lesion at C4 cord segment due to Syrinx
MRI cervical spine with focus on craniocervical junction done

Discussion :
Clinically Syrinx is associated with typical dissociative suspended sensory loss
Detecting site of lesion is tricky but there are key points
In these case quadriparesis means lesion in cervical cord T1( small muscles of hand ) and above but can be lower brain stem medullary lesion .
So lower Cranial nerves examination is important and shouldnt be missed
Lower cranial nerves intact means lesion in the cervical cord clinically
Now this patient has weakness of shoulder abdduction so definitely deltoid is involved so
C5 cord is involved . Above C5 generally we use dermatome to localise lesion since testing of muscles above C5 is clinically insignificant.
Here sensory level is C4
Now the lower limit easy way is to check scral sensation first if it is spared it is called suspended sensory loss .
Lets review our knowledge og spinal cord and the arrangement of fibres which are topographivally arranged.
The fibres of spinothalamic tract are arranged with cervical fibres medially towards central canal and then thoracic then lumbar and most lateral are the sacral fibres

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Inside story

Its been months now completely out of this blogging world. Many things has happened in and around the world . Unfortunately today is the day leader GP Koirala has passed away . No matter how much we people hate him , his contribution in past couple of years is just applausable. He was the architect and the mastermind behind the fall of Monarchy in Nepal . And credit goes to him to bring Maoist group in political mainstream. Well this brings to the end of saga of Koirala family which is very much predictable now as no one can stood firm and infact no one has capabilities to lead from front in this historical political family. Time will tell .

Now the political situation in the country is at topsyturvy. Constitution yet to be written and time running out. Future is very pessimistic but yet the rays of hope shining in the far horizon. We Nepalese people have heights of patience and emotions . We have given every leaders a chance to lead our country and make it prosperous . We will continue supporting whosoever give us a hope. We need a leader , a true leader , a patriotic leader to lift us from proverty bring smiles in face of every Nepalaese people.......