Saturday, March 20, 2010

Inside story

Its been months now completely out of this blogging world. Many things has happened in and around the world . Unfortunately today is the day leader GP Koirala has passed away . No matter how much we people hate him , his contribution in past couple of years is just applausable. He was the architect and the mastermind behind the fall of Monarchy in Nepal . And credit goes to him to bring Maoist group in political mainstream. Well this brings to the end of saga of Koirala family which is very much predictable now as no one can stood firm and infact no one has capabilities to lead from front in this historical political family. Time will tell .

Now the political situation in the country is at topsyturvy. Constitution yet to be written and time running out. Future is very pessimistic but yet the rays of hope shining in the far horizon. We Nepalese people have heights of patience and emotions . We have given every leaders a chance to lead our country and make it prosperous . We will continue supporting whosoever give us a hope. We need a leader , a true leader , a patriotic leader to lift us from proverty bring smiles in face of every Nepalaese people.......

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