Thursday, August 6, 2009

Buddhism and Science

Mereological Nihilism ( Metaphysical theory ) is a scientific view point that no objects truly exists they exists as individual parts. Simply Mereology is the theory of relationship between parts and whole and Nihilism is the traditional belief that objects do not exist. And so Mereological nihilism is the traditional way of denying daily objects that exists . It says that the individual objects that we see doesn't exist as such but exist as a small partcles and so what we see is what we perceive and what is interpreted in our brain .

So whatever we see is an illusion thats what Buddhism says. The world we see is an illusion and we are driven in all aspects by this illusion . Since we can't see the object as small particles of atoms this illusion is acknowledgable. So nothing exists as objects in this world everything in particles that is independent . No form exists . Form is emptiness .

Quantum physics also agrees. Both observer and observant are equally important . It depends how an object is approached as explained by quantum physics about wave particle duality . Quantum physics also says that a phenomenon can't be observed without changing or disturbing it that means what ever we perceive in real life is not infact real but an illusion . Buddhism says if ultimately all phenomenon arises from the term and conditions from which they appear then no phenomenon truly exists.

Lets talk about Meditation. Meditation although unknown in origin has been in practice since ancient times . From an observer point of view theres two way one can participate in Mediatation a ) Analytical (deep thinking about an object or concept) b) Stabilizing (repetition of words or actions) . By either way goal of meditation is to clear the minds of all external thoughts by focussing on breathing or body. This clearing of mind allows and individual to become self aware and person enters a higher state of conciousness. In this state a person's mind is essentially empty absorbed into complete nothingness of repititive breathing or other sensation . This state of ultimate meditation is the goal of Buddhism renouncing all possesions and desires . Having nothing...... Wanting nothing....... By mediataion one can train his mind to become empty allowing him to pass misperception that clouds reality. So Meditation is in practice to alleviate stress and anger.

It has been proved that meditation can actually change the way the brain is wired. Realising that both mind are brain are dependent to each other mind can't affect the brain and brain can't change the mind. But brain can change because without some force influencing the mind it is life less. The only explanation what scientists have given is what Buddhist have been practicing for 100 of years........... CONCIOUSNESS is what can change the brain and mind. And it has been scientifically proven by various neurological tests performed on the monks.

So Meditation , Quantum physics and Metaphysics like Mereological Nihilism can be explained by both Buddhism and science. This has drawn attention to researchers to unification of science and Buddhism to develop a fundamantal principle of life and esistence...... and reality. This can lead us to the basics of understanding of universe .

Our understanding of neuroscience will be enchanced. Its only matter of time .............

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